#im trying to be less uptight about it all
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discordkittenterumi · 2 days ago
wanted for triple homicide
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narcolini · 8 months ago
white room - pt. 1
johnny davis (the bikeriders) x reader, 18+, canon typical themes and language, 2.8k words, 1 of ? johnny as a miserable bisexual divorcee and reader as someone too chilled and lonely to give a fuck a/n: it's written to be gender neutral, but there are a few references implying they may be afab (not overkill its just a very gendered landscape)
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“Go fuck your good self, then.”
The door slams behind you and the window pane shakes with it, piece of shit car that it is, with an equally large turd of a guy running the thing. 
“Crazy bitch,” is the cab driver’s goodbye call, and yeah, maybe. But he’s the one dumping you in the wrong end of town—and after dark, no less. All you’d done was get a cab after a party, knowing you left all your cash in one of the boots under your bed, with the mad hope that the guy behind the wheel might just be kind enough to let you ride along on a promise. You had every intention of running upstairs to get him his fee, while he kept the engine running, mind you, but that uptight jack didn’t wanna hear a thing about it. Even had the nerve to ask you to comp him 'with those pretty lips o’ yours’, which is round about where you started calling him a filthy no-good perv, and he started pulling over in the middle of nowhere. 
Now you’re standing in the dark in nothin but your too-cheap denim jacket, that you never should’ve bought ‘cause you got shirts thicker than this, staring at a corner side bar that’s almost definitely filled with a hundred more of those cab driver types. Not in the driving sense, but in the fuck anyone that isn’t a man like us sense, you know? 
But what can you do? It’s in there, or out here, and you’re not in the shoes for walking, never mind running, so it’s not much of a choice at all.
You go up in a way like you been here before, like you know the name of the place even though the paint’s chipped off and the light ain’t lighting anymore, and in the time it takes to cross the street, you see three guys go in, three come out, and not a single woman or anyone else, so much as look at the place. It’d be a lie to say your heartbeat was going a speed anywhere near close to normal. Which is another thing you try and hide as you push through the door into the chaos of it all. 
It’s not a bar, it’s a God damn wolf den. 
You make it two steps and already you seen enough beer, and enough skin, and heard enough dogwhistles to consider just how bad it could really be to run barefoot across town. Your feet would only hurt a little bit, right? They seen you now though, and with the amount of bikes they got lined up outside, you wouldn’t even make it to the next block before one of them caught up to you. And then what? Might as well try talking wolf while you’re in here, better that than squaring up with one of them in some stinking alleyway.  
“You got a phone, big guy?” you ask, to the first one that really looks at you. He’s a head taller than you but it seems like that head’s spinning, so you figure he needs a little more explanation to get going. “Behind the bar or something? A payphone?”
He takes a while to reply, like you’re speaking some other language, then he says, “I got something you can ride, honey.”
And now you’re back in the cab all over again, and you’re still going fuckin' nowhere.
“Forget about it.”
You shove past him, and another two men smelling of liquor, until you can plant both hands on the edge of the bar and speak to the owner directly. At least, you think it’s the owner. Cause he’s stood back there, with a towel slung over his shoulder, and he’s the only one giving all of these animals their liquid feed for the night. 
“Hey," you start, “do you got a phone? One I could use?”
Instead of answering, he looks right over your head. Imagine that, like you ain’t there at all, right over and into the space behind. It takes a second, but then you realise it’s not just bad manners, it’s only that there’s someone else coming up to the back of you who’s much more important, to him anyway. 
And now, that’s a guy you look twice at.
He’s not tall, but he’s not short neither, something in the middle that suits you just right, if it mattered. Face like he’s seen some things too, but his hair’s combed all neat like he hasn’t seen nothin. If it weren’t for the bent pinky on his one hand and the scar on his knuckles across the other, you might think he was some sort of regular guy. But he got a walk like he owns the place, more than the barman, that's for sure, and the shirt he’s wearing is plastered with the same exact name as the rest of all these guys: VANDALS. Doesn’t take much to figure that he’s top dog of them. Vandal of the Vandals.
He slides right up to you like you asked him to, sitting his forearms on the edge—next to where your hands are. 
“Nah,” he says. Just like that. Nah.
You feel like laughing. “No?”
“Nah,” his head shakes, “you don’t wanna be in here.”
If it’s advice, it kinda feels like a threat and, well, if it’s a threat, it sorta feels like advice. A decent bit of it at that, cause he is right. You don’t wanna be in here. 
“Don’t want doesn’t make up for need,” you tell him. “And I need to use a phone, if you got one.”
“What for?”
“A cab?” Then you do laugh. “What? You worried I’ll ring your bill up by calling international?”
He makes a strange, sorta dismissive noise as he’s pushing off from the bar. “Worried you’d call some little boyfriend of yours,” he mumbles, then he walks round to the serving side and pulls a phone from under the lip of it.
“No boyfriend, sir. Just a mighty need to get home.” And the fuck outta this place.
He picks the handset up, spinning the dial without asking you for nothin, his eyes sitting on something you can’t see right in front of him. A number maybe. “Not many drivers will pick you up from here,” he says. "This one…yeah, well, you can try it.”
Any hope you had is fast disappearing on you. “That bad, huh?”
He passes you the phone, the twisty cord going all the way straight just to reach you. 
It connects as you put it up to your ear, and some lady with a voice all too quiet for telephones greets you on the other side, rushing you to the point before you can even try and warm her up a little.
"Hi, yeah, so I need a cab but I won’t be able to pay the guy until we get there, is that something your—hello? Hello?” You tut. The empty tone in your ear is a stinging slap to the face, right there, right across the cheekbone. “Motherfucker,” you say, but she’s already all the way gone. She didn’t even hear you out.
And this guy? Well he’s smiling when you look back at him, doing an awful bad job at pretending like he ain’t been listening. “Yeah," he clears his throat to hide a laugh he won’t laugh, “you should’a said you had no money. No cab’s gonna—”
“I know,” you snap. “Still had to ask though, didn’t I?”
He shrugs, nodding at sorta the same time like he agrees with you, even though his face is fixed like he don’t agree at all. Like you’re awful naive for thinking they might even listen to you in the first place.
“Guess I’m walkin’ then,” you decide. You pass him the handset, but he’s too slow to take it, so you go on your toes to lean over and put it back yourself. Hard and pissy with it. Shitty taxi service. Shitty phone. Shitty bar.
“You want a drink?”
Your heels hit the floor again. “What?"
He puts his hand out like he works here now, pointing to all the dingy bottles waiting behind him. “A beer…or?”
“Yeah," you test, “what’s the or?”
“Or,” he says, slow with it, "you sit round drinking nothin’ and wait until I can take you home.”
Your brows shoot up like he’s told a lie bigger than any you’ve ever heard. “You gonna take me home?” you ask, thinking yeah, he’s gonna take you home, and you’re gonna be the next big Santy Claus. 
He nods and it keeps going, like his head gets away from him. “Yeah,” he says. “Yeah, I can give you a ride.”
For a second, you find yourself worrying about it. “That code for something else?”
He pulls a pack of cigarettes from his jeans and sets one in-between his lips. “No. S’just a ride.”
You watch the lighter flip, the cigarette catch. Watch him take a drag and blow it out again. He isn’t acting drunk, and he don’t seem like he cares either way, whether you take a ride from him or not. All he seems bothered about is finding the end of that smoke, and popping the cap off another beer. 
If these are wolves, then he’s the oldest of them. The most tired and nicked with battle scars. From where you’re standing, that makes him the least threatening too, cause you come with a whole load of baggage, and he looks like he’s got even more than that. And anyone with all that shit on their shoulders? Yeah, they’re not gonna be no sort of trouble at all. They just wanna get home at night with their head pinned on straight still.
"Well alright,” you say. “I’ll take a beer and the ride, too.”
“Beer and a ride,” he grumbles back, not moving the cigarette and losing his words because of it. “I’m Johnny."
He nods, handing you the beer he just readied for himself. 
“Thanks.” You give him your name the same way he gave you his, and he says it back to you, the way you did with him, though you know you didn’t mumble it the first time. He heard you just right. “This the part where I tell you how far away I live, and you say actually, I don’t got the gas for that, right?”
“How far d’you live?”
“Other side of town.”
He shrugs. “I got gas enough.”
And that’s how you end up on the back of his bike, clinging on like some sort of koala bear thing, with the town going past like it’s made of nothing but air, cold, loud, air. Flooding your ears and the collar of your jacket, even the ends of your pants are filling up with it. Going so fast nothing feels like anything, only that, everything feels of everything. Way too much. By the time you’re pulling up to the house, your head’s spinning like you had ten beers, not two, and he has to offer his hand just to get you off in one piece.
“God,” you say, “does it feel that crazy every time?”
He looks like he wants to smile, but something inside don’t let him. “Guess so.”
“Well, you got bigger balls than me, that’s for sure.”
Then he really wants to smile, you can see it in the little crinkles by his eyes. “Night, kid.”
“Not a kid,” you tell him, cause you lived through too many years of shit to not get the respect an adult deserves, plus, you ain’t even that much younger than he is. Anyone without a stack of lines down his forehead must look like a kid to him. “Thanks for the ride. You really saved my ass.”
He waves it off, like it really was nothin, though actually it was a pretty big something, a real good favour. “Ah. Wasn’t gonna let nothin’ happen to you.”
“Oh yeah? Saw me walking in like some sort of square and the alarm bells went ringing?” 
“Yeah. Like that.”
You hum a little, shrugging while you think on it. “I could’a handled myself,” you tell him. Which isn’t all the way the truth, but it’s not too far from it neither. You can get mean when you have to.  
“Maybe, but you didn’t have to, did you?” He kicks the bike to life again, and there goes that engine, so loud his ears must be working half as good as they should be. “See you around,” he says.
You nod. As far as last words go, those are some pretty boring ones, but it’s later than late now, and you’re not feeling like standing outside any longer until one of you comes up with something better. So he gets a “see-ya” and that’s the last thing either of you will ever say to each other, cause when are you ever gonna find yourself in the middle of some roughed up, leather wearing, bike club, ever again? 
Well. Turns out you got a whole lot wrong when it came to figuring Johnny out. Not even a full day goes by, and you’re hearing that rumble, that big bru-bru-bru, clattering noise coming right back down your street. And Mrs Saccone, who’s normally deafer than deaf, is banging a broom on your wall telling you to get rid of it. To get rid of him. Can you imagine? Old lady, never done nothin wrong in her life, as far as your Pops ever knew, and suddenly, big mean man on a bike, sitting outside and ruining her TV dinner. 
You couldn’t get out there fast enough. Half-dressed, you know, you were ready to settle down for the night. Work stuff off and replaced with those big, old man type boxer shorts. If it weren’t for the bathrobe, wrapped all up round yourself, you’d have blushed so hard it’d burst a blood vessel.
“You forget something?” you ask, parking your feet and slippers right onto the concrete next to him. “I got neighbours, you know.”
He frowns, pursing his lips as he looks you over. “I wake you up?”
“No. But I’d be lying if I said you weren’t disturbing my peace.”
He nods, still running that engine, one foot on the ground to keep him in one place there. It goes so long without him saying nothin that you start thinking maybe it’s your turn, and you forgot which one of you spoke last or something.
“Can I help you, Johnny?”
“Let me take you out,” he says. Not a question, but not bossy with it neither, just ‘let me’. If he’d said it like an order, you would’ve told him to stick it where you told the cab driver to stick it last night, but he seems to know better than that.
You pull the robe tighter, right up to your neck. “I’m not going back to that bar,” you tell him.
“No, not there.” He flicks a gloved hand over the bars of the bike, imagining some fancy, high-class sort of place, right there in front of him. “Somewhere nice. You and me.”
It’s a good thing your mother is on a whole other continent, because without thinking much about it at all, you say, “Alright, sure. You can take me out.” 
He smiles, and it might not be, but it feels like it’s the first one he’s shown you, all real and bunched up in that stubble of his. “You should go get dressed then.”
You feel the life drain right out of you. “We’re going now?”
“I’m here." He shrugs. "So, yeah, why not?”
“You know most people would hate you for that,” you say, “giving a person no warning.”
The bike goes quiet then, and he swaps the keys for a pack of smokes in his pocket, leaning back like he got all the time in the world. “D’you hate me?” he asks.
“I might.”
“Oh, might.” He says it back like you don’t mean it, and won’t mean it, with another one of those funny throwaway noises following on after it. “I’ll take my luck with might.”
And what d’you say to that? Nothin, you say nothin, all you can say is, “Give me ten minutes.” 
Then you’re trotting back up the porch steps, hoping Mrs Saccone isn’t peeping through the curtains, and wondering what the Hell you’re gonna put on that’s any kind of suitable to go to a nice place with a Vandal on your arm. 
If it weren’t your life already, you wouldn’t believe any of it. This time just yesterday, you were at some square neck, office party, saying goodbye to some upper-level fucker—who never learned your name, and didn’t even thank-you for the half serious farewell note you left in the communal goodbye card—and tonight? God, if you weren’t so used to shit going unusually, you’d be pinching yourself. Real hard, too. 
Some man called Johnny, who you don’t know from Adam, swinging by to pick you up on his motorcycle. Yeah, ‘crazy bitch’ really is starting to feel like an appropriate title for you to have. Who would’a known?
part two here
tagging: @drabbles-mc @garbinge
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leafington · 4 months ago
𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙞𝙣'𝙩 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣' 𝙞𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙘𝙪𝙥, 𝙨𝙤 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚, 𝙗𝙖𝙗𝙮, 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙢𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙞𝙩 𝙪𝙥! - kento n.
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content warning !! - drinking, intoxication, ceo!nanami, subby!nanami-ish, hostess!reader, blackfem!reader, sex implied but no smut, very subtle angst
a/n - im a little rusty yall stay with me + ib that one picture of the girl pouring the drink into the guys mouth, yk the one 🌚🌚
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Beautiful wasn't the right word to describe his favorite woman, she was ethereal. Her beauty incapable of being described in such a way that covers the entirety of it all, it was damn near impossible to pull a word out of his broad vocabulary to illustrate her. To be watched under her eyes felt like that of being stalked, like every small movement of his was documented in her head.
Never in a million years would Nanami have caught himself in an entertainment bar of all places, part of him feeling ashamed he even wound up in such an environment all because of some woman. He's gotten one taste of her and all of a sudden it's a basic need of survival for him, stopping by her job every other day to see if she's there. This time, however, he was incapable of doing so due to a business trip overseas which left him exhausted and, above all, needy.
"You alright?" She caressed his cheek lightly, eyes scanning over Nanami for any sign of harm done. If anything, he should be checking on her, her head still feels light after being shown just how much he missed her over the course of two whole weeks. Nanami takes a few deep breaths, recollecting himself from what he considered to be the most euphoric moment ever experienced, then nodding in conformation.
He's a big man in every sense of the word; his build, his size, and his work status. She's used to seeing him so calm, stone-faced, rarely ever disheveled or beyond his own consciousness. "Age catching up to you, I see." She tries to lighten him up, moving her hand to play with his hair. "... very funny." Nanami quips back, leaving her satisfied knowing he's still a bit snarky. "I know right? I think I'm hilarious." She giggles, tugging his hair back just a bit so she was the one looking down on him.
It was nice being the one on top for a change, she didn't think it was possible to be the one to reduce the Nanami Kento to a groaning mess who cums like a virgin when he's desperate, and boy was it a sight to see.
She didn't really know why he came back to her all the time, Nanami swore up and down that he hated this place and everything involving it, but every day he's available after work he's here, requesting for her, and enjoying a nice glass of scotch while watching her work. Not that she minded it, it was a nice change of pace having someone call for her company and pay her thousands just to be by their side.
"You'd do better outside of a place like this, y'know?" He gruffs out, watching her slip her bikini thong right back on and mentally grovels. "How many times are you gonna remind me?" Y/n makes quick work in straightening herself out because who knows what her co-workers will think about her disheveled appearance. "Until you finally quit." Nanami glares, although not intentional, he genuinely believes she'd be better off somewhere safer, a less taunting job than buttering up a few men and getting tipsy.
"Well get used to it." She prompts, carrying herself to to mini-bar and scanning for anything he might like. His usual isn't there, so she just assumes that if he can down some glasses of scotch whisky, he can handle some sips of bourbon. Y/n pops up with the bottle and finds his cup to fill it up, Nanami watches her after regaining himself and buckling his belt. "Was that your plan? Letting me fuck you senseless then trying to take me out?" It's not often Nanami cursed around her, he's proven how strict and uptight he is about how he carries himself. "Just doing my job. You don't have to drink it." She sasses him back with a roll of her eyes, and he doesn't deny her so she settles herself in his lap and takes a few sips on her own.
Y/n recoils back, holding the drink away from her and making a face. "That's so not good." She gags, tensing up even further when Nanami's hands glide up her body. "Poor girl can't handle a little strength in her alcohol. What a terrible job you're doing." He taunts and further more pouts at her, patting her side as if she were a child. "Oh really?" She grits and adjusts herself. "Why don't you show me just how I'm supposed to do that?"
She raises herself high enough to be above him, tapping the bottom of his chin. "Open wide." He follows her command with ease, letting her tip his head back to pour the liquid in his mouth, her own slightly opening as if to pursue him further. "Up, up, up... thereee we go. Atta boyyy." She coos, a bit of the chocolate-noted honey dripping down, grinning when he swallows it whole.
Her free hand comes up to wipe the stray droplets off before it stains his clothes, she smiles at him when his drunken eyes land on her. "You got what you wanted," His voice comes out raspy from his intake, reaching for the bottle and trickling some more in the cup, taking it in his own hand and holding her up firmly with just one hand, the cold silver band of his watch pressed up against the flesh of her ass. "Now let's try that again, doll."
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©2024 leafington dont steal please!! :)
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autisticaradiamegido · 4 months ago
day 303 what if the art today was....... AUDIO............
since i recorded this JoCo cover with pell @karkaraoke* a while back, i have been wanting to get back into the homestuck va game and also trying to be a lot less uptight about the quality of my singing/audio editing because that's how you keep yourself from practicing!!! i do art i know this!!
*speaking of. if this kinda thing is your jam do yourself a favor and check out their Lotus Time Capsule on dropbox, it's full of literally every vocal homestuck fansong that was on tindeck when it died in 2018 AND MORE!! it is meticulously organized and extremely rad Anyway this is a parody of Dream Girl Evil by Florence + the Machine i came up with when i was bored at work one day. lyrics under the cut!
dream girl, l0wbl00d
well did y0u twist the hem0spectrum just to kiss me? 0h did y0u fix me? change my bl00d, my b0dy? ive been expecting y0u, im ready deliver me that s0ulb0t, baby
am i y0ur dream girl?  y0u c0uldnt stand the red n0 y0u c0uld never h0ld me  y0u like me better in y0ur head make me regal like im a highbl00d instead at least i can feel s0mething when im dead
dream girl, l0wbl00d x4
did i disapp0int y0u did liking me feel wr0ng did my bl00d remind y0u 0f all the ways y0u werent s0 str0ng? make me perfect make me y0ur fantasy a heart built t0 l0ve y0u well take it 0ut 0f me
am i y0ur dream girl?  y0u c0uldnt stand the red n0 y0u c0uld never h0ld me  y0u like me better in y0ur head make me regal like im a highbl00d instead at least i can feel angry when im dead
watch me shiver as im hem0rrhaging y0ur c0l0r but d0nt c0me crying i d0 n0t exist f0r y0ur pleasure
it cann0t h0ld/dream girl, l0wblood (repeated)
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creatingblackcharacters · 3 months ago
I LOVE your Black Hair Lessons so much. Hair is one of my favorite symbolic things to play around with in character design and i feel like i just have way less ideas/base knowledge of black hair styles. I feel like the world has opened up and im very excited to implement this into my black characters. I have a fewww more question though, I hope you can answer them! 1) how long do hair styles last? How frequently could a character change their hair and what are plausible reasons for frequent changes? (As a writer im changing it for Plot, but i want in-universe reasons too). 2) are there any common emotional perceptions black people (men and women) have to certain hair styles? Im thinking in terms of how it will come across to black readers. Say i want to convey that a character is carefree in a scene, or theyre stressed and uptight, or theyre falling apart, or theyre in complete control, etc. Thanks again!!
You had it right the first time with Black 😅!
1) it depends on the hairstyle! The questions you're asking depend on the hairstyle, and the type of activity and lifestyle they have. If you have a character with less time on their hands, or they just don't care to do too much, you'll want to pick a style that's either protective and long lasting, or that's simple and low maintenance. If your character wants to change their hair all the time, they probably don't want a style that takes hours to do and undo. Consider your character first, and then consider a style.
2) there is no such thing as Bad Black hair. No hair is going to look "bad" on its own. It's the care put into it. If I see someone with their afro and it's matted, I would think they were going through it. There is a perception that locs and wicks are inherently dirty or unkempt, and as I addressed in those hair lessons, they are not! They will only be dirty if they weren't taken care of! It also, again, depends on your character. Your stressed and uptight character might focus on "perfect" hair- maybe if it's falling out of its bun, or her wig isn't on properly, or her roots are showing new growth in her braids, that can be a sign of stress. But all Black people do not have the same opinions on what constitutes as "not together"- depends on what culture they have. Do they think straight, relaxed hair is best? Do they think wigs are a sign of bad hair? What do they believe?
In summary, I would try to understand your character and their lifestyle, choose a hairstyle that works with it, and study the maintenance required. If that's something you really feel passionate about showing in your story.
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kinkandkreep · 11 months ago
Yandere Alphabet Continued: Shuji Hanma (Tokyo Revengers)
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Letters A-M here
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Shuji’s punishments can be physical, mostly some less than playful roughhousing should you decide to do something he doesn’t like
He’s actually not super fond of punishments outside of the humiliation aspect of them, mostly because he kind of likes to see you crying or in some distress
Only if it’s caused by him though
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Shuji’s not super interested in taking away your rights
He may prohibit you from doing certain things and limit your actions, but as for just outright being like “you no longer have the right to see your family,” or something like that, he doesn’t really have that inclination
He kinda thinks it’s fun to see how far you’re willing to push the boundary between what he will and won’t allow, even if he hasn’t made mention of what those things are explicitly
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
I dunno if I’d call Shuji patient exactly, but I will say that he lets you slide with some things more than most 
Shuji’s just not a very uptight guy, so what looks to be patience is actually nonchalance  
Now, that’s not to say that he can’t get fed up
He can, and if you push him too far, he will 
But he’s got a greater tolerance for any bs you might try to pull than others only because he knows that if he were in your situation, and hell, even if not, he would do the same thing
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
This may or may not come as a surprise, but it’s actually highly unlikely that you’ll die while in Shuji’s care or under his supervision, so we won’t touch on that
Just upping and leaving is not an option, unless there’s some sort of extenuating circumstance that requires you to like…ion know, leave out the country or something (and even then, Shuji loves adventure, so he may just follow you then too 🙃)
If you were to escape, Shuji would definitely hunt you down
He loves the thrill of the chase, and while after too long he may grow a bit bored, the thought of your expression and reaction when he finally catches you will keep him going for a while yet
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Feelings like guilt and Shuji Hanma don’t really mix in my mind 😂
Like, I don’t necessarily think he’s incapable of feeling it, he’s just not inclined to
So I’ma say no, Shuji would decidedly not feel guilty if he kidnapped you
He would also not let you go
You are his precious little doll and he loves you too much to just let you leave him
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Shuji’s childhood and much if not all of his backstory is an enigma
That said, it’s kinda hard to pinpoint where exactly the yandere aspect of this iteration of him came from
I would honestly say that Shuji most likely has some undiagnosed mental illness, and that his yandere tendencies stem from that
There’s also something to be said about a deeply hidden sense of loneliness and a craving for affection that permeates deep into Shuji’s being, and that he’s just suppressed all his life
When he encounters you, and begins feeling things he’s not felt before, he kinda just takes the feeling and runs with it, as he’s done with everything else he’s ever felt
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Not as amused as you would think, believe it or not
Shuji may act like an ass but somewhere within him lies the desire for you to love him in return
He knows being terrible and kidnapping you is probably not the best way to make that happen but he’s still figuring it out ok? Cut ‘im some slack, these are new feelings he’s dealing with
A small part of him would be amused, the normal part of him that everyone sees and knows
But a larger part of him is distressed, though he hides it well
He doesn’t want to hurt you, honest!
And he really doesn’t even want to see you cry, for the most part
So if you did behave in such a manner, it would likely cause him to internally panic
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
I mentioned this a little earlier I think but Shuji likes to drag you around to the various fights he gets into and have you watch and cheer him on from the sidelines
That sounds weird, and it is, but hey 🤷🏾‍♀️
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Another one who’s pretty unflappable
But, I could feasibly see Shuji growing bored of you and ceasing his pursuit of you if you just never have any reaction to anything
Which, let’s face it, will be pretty hard to do but if you’re willing to give it a try ‘cus you’re just that desperate to escape…
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Shuji might accidentally hurt you
A lot actually 🙃
He just gets so excited and forgets his own strength sometimes
But now intentionally? 
Only if you’ve absolutely pushed him to the edge 
And then over it
Don’t worry though, something like this would be incredibly difficult to achieve 
But trust me, you do not want to push it
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
I don’t think Shuji reveres or worships you
He’s not the type for that
He does have an appreciation for you though, and he recognizes that you are a little sliver of good in a world that’s pretty much gone to shit
He can respect that about you
As for winning you over, he’s not overly concerned with that either
He wants you to love him, sure, but you don’t have to be drooling over him 25/8 for him to be satisfied
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Shuji “pines” for about as long as you probably assume he would. 
Which is to say, not long. 🙃
When Shuji realizes that he wants to possess you and subsequently your heart, he immediately begins making moves to do just that
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Shuji possesses the potential to break you intentionally and unintentionally.
He can be overbearing in the most literal sense, monopolizing, occasionally inconsiderate of your feelings as it relates to your autonomy and overall just wild and incorrigible. 
He’s more likely to break you if he abducts you and is subsequently in contact with you more consistently. 
He’ll more easily wear you down and whittle away at your patience and sanity if he can keep you in close proximity.   
I personally don’t think he’d ever try particularly hard to break you, but the thought might enter his mind and he may be inclined to pursue the notion. 🙃
Let’s hope for your sake, he doesn’t. 
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copyquat · 2 years ago
Having lightcannon feelings so may i present you with:
Random SG Lightcannon Headcanons From Someone Who Has Never Read Official SG Material (aka, me ranting about how these two exist rent free in my head)
-they go to a private school. this is only really important because i really like the idea of jinx calculating exactly how much effort she needs to put in to stay in the same school as lux while doing as little as possible
-jinx is still the smartest person in class though and it kinda bugs lux that she puts so much effort in to her schooling while jinx puts the absolute minimum knowing she could easily have as good if not better grades
-on to more actual relationship stuff lux is a lot less uptight with jinx than you’d expect at least before becoming saviors of the planet. jinx is the only person she knows and trusts she doesn’t have to be the perfect child around and having spent so long around jinx she’s developed a bit of a gremlin side
-she has absolutely asked jinx for help sneaking out to watch a movie or go to a concert and has on a lot more than one occasion been a willing accomplice in jinx’s mayhem
-she has also occasionally been the one to instigate the chaos i.e. she sometimes goes up to jinx like “these assholes deserve it how do we get back at them?”
-auntie jinx is so proud
-their relationship starts to deteriorate a bit when they become star guardians, jinx only joined because lux did and they’re joined at the hip (they promised to stay together “till the end of the world” when they were kids) but lux feels the need to be responsible because of they whole protecting the world thing
-jinx has for the longest time only ever cared about staying with lux but lux having daily training and getting on her case for not taking being a star guardian super seriously is starting to bug her
-lux on the other hand is stressed trying to be the perfect child and the perfect leader and started bottling her feelings up, at times lashing out at jinx cause she’s unfortunately an easy target (she always regrets it immediately if not soon after doing so) and is also maybe having a bit of gay panic when jinx disappears for the first time and she realizes she might like her best friend a bit more than she “should”
-this is not at all made better when ezreal becomes a star guardian and classic jinx jealousy starts to boil up
-on ez i like the idea that while he is interested in lux he eventually realizes “omg these bitches gay” and starts to wingman for them :P
-lux doesn’t realize jinx definitely has feelings for her as well until she has an argument with poppy about how jinx doesn’t care about saving the world. lux insists she does but poppy goes off “no she doesn’t! she cares about you! she joined because YOU did, she keeps coming back cause YOUR STILL HERE, and every time she looks at you she’s got these big stupid lovesick puppy eyes! im sick off watching you two dance around each other just fucking kiss already!”
-lux is flabbergasted at the idea jinx might (definitely) feels the same way but also feels guilty about being the reason jinx put herself in such a dangerous role to begin with
-jinx on the other hand naturally has self worth issues and doesn’t feel she’s good enough for lux and is absolutely terrified of lux not wanting to be her friend anymore
-sometimes after she runs away she has a meltdown terrified that this was the last straw and when she goes back lux will have had enough of her
-but lux can’t ever get enough of jinx though of course. they’re best friends after all and they promised they’d be together forever, till the end of the world…
-some other minor things when lux can get mimi into not a wand form she joins shiro and kuro’s mischief making and is unnaturally fine with whatever the balls of chaos do (i wonder who this is supposed to represent :P)
-i like the idea of vi having purple hair in the sg universe since most characters have different hair colors and i think itd be funny for sg vi and jinx to have swapped their canon hair color hues and also it still fits with her name
-i also like the idea of before vi eventually shows back up into jinx’s life cait is kinda a big sister for jinx
-she’s a local cop and once helped jinx with a panic attack when she was younger and now has a soft spot for her despite her many many trouble making misadventures
-when jinx was moving in with her team she had to carry all her stuff on foot cause she doesn’t have a car and cait saw her and offered to help
-jinx ended up being the first one fully moved in and absolutely rubbed it in poppy’s face :P
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cherrybulbasaur · 2 years ago
im so not normal about roderich so im going to spill all my thoughts right here and now.
many people who have been around mr. austria can make quite few observations about his behavior. he is aristocratic, level-headed, composed, and always holds an air of formality in every plausible setting. in his youth, i imagine him as someone who was let to his own devices, ergo why he is so musically inclined. he played music to fill the empty chatter of his residence to keep himself from the stark realization that he was utterly alone. this also led to his, well, prissy demeanor. austria is quick to deal out sass and get defensive at the slightest rebuttal. but, beneath that, there is this gentleness to him that makes rare, unexpected visits. i think there is a large piece of him that is still that young child who was alone with nothing but his own music to keep him company.
he yearns for closer relationships but usually he is perceived as just some rich asshole for anyone to really try. and, he isn’t really the best person to get along with. i think this is why he’s so close to north italy. feli/vene sees the good in people that are usually seen as uptight assholes who are too serious (literally everyone). seeing young italy in his manor was initially a great annoyance. italy didn’t clean very well, made messes, ruined a painting of roderich— but, for some reason, austria got less and less angered by it as time went on. you can even say he started to find it all humorous. seeing italy alone without his grandfather or brother struck a chord in him, perhaps. seeing the little nation wander aimlessly about and peering into the expansive, empty ballrooms with some far off look in his eyes. roderich became softer to italy, but not in an obvious way. for example, italy made it a habit to sit in roderich’s piano room to listen to him play, even sitting on his bench with him. roderich quietly explaining music theory and info-dumping about his favorite pieces of music and italy soaking it in with interested nods and the occasional question which draws a small, childish smile from his older master. i believe in those last years where italy was under austria’s rule, they shared a very wholesome bond.
no one really took notice to how austria took to the young nation much like hungary. she is fond of austria, even in all of his faults. frankly, she can even say she loves him. and out of everyone in the world, i feel like she was one of the only people to really know austria for who he really is on a personal level. perhaps she was the person to suggest being kinder to the young italy, after all, him & roderich were similar in their loneliness. they can be perceived as platonic or romantic partners but they are so utterly important to one another. hungary saved austria in ways many people couldn’t begin to understand. also, their marriage was most likely the only one that had depth in the eyes of austria, as the two actually acted like a proper couple. austria continues to love her and care for her. it’s the least he can do for her.
gilbert played a role in saving roderich too but it quite a different way. while hungary promoted stability, gilbert took more of a wild approach. he reminded austria through night escapades and sneaking around the manor past curfew what it meant to be alive. what the meaning of freedom means even though they both were trapped in a government & world where they couldn’t be authentically their selves. austria is just someone who needs to not be given up on. he needs someone who nags and teases and is stubborn to the core. at first, he had a strong distaste for gilbert, but over time that bond changed into something really strong.
austria is so important to me. he is a character that i may have gone too deep with here but like… come awn now!
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inkiest-silly · 11 months ago
I’m feeling silly and ima just- time to post about MY VER of “if Vincent survived the fire” or shortened to STF
STF vince has cut down on his smoking, he isn't addicted anymore due to having hospitalized for a while and unable to do any packs! He also wears layers over his body and hands so it's less uncomfortable Being his hands are burned - his hard to do things without it feeling weird He is working to upgrade his bistro, and im planning on like Adding a few other characters be he's gonna have a bigger waiting staff - bring its gonna be a bigger establishment His chefs still work for him
His chefs still work for him - cherrie is loyal as hell so definitely not leaving He never got over his love for rody,he feels resentment for what rody did to him- but he just couldn't let go of the man He hasn't seen him in ages- but he sometimes wonders what in the world he's doing now Thoughts lke "Is he happy with what he did to me? Does he think im dead and is happy with it?"
He wears his glasses all the time now- he is half blind so he just, does now. He can't afford to not see well,so he keeps them on They aren't used to Vince with glasses or-even the scars In the back, he wears long sleeved shirts instead and thick gloves-Vince stutters on his words and his voice is a little fucked up and raspy due to rody cutting his throat with a bottle
Talking for a long time hurts his throat, he is still trying to fix some things about himself He isn't as harsh on his employees Other than remmie. Remmie is remmie. He learned his lesson about keeping his house with his establishment He lives only a few minutes away from the new place He walks home Why?
Bc he thinks it's good for strengthening his mussles again And it is So he keeps doing it In the rain? Umbrella. But whenever he is out in the rain- he's reminded of the moment when he had to dry rody off and give him an umbrella-He enjoys the rain on his skin, it's cooling and nice He's taking care of himself only to try and get back to proper health to do more So he isn't as scrawny (He still hates eating but he forced himself to)
Vince involuntarily twitches out of random, his nerves are a little messed up and it's most likely the thing to happen 1 Like to believe rodys tie slipped off his neck during the struggle and Vince still had it even fit is a little burnt Complete opposites in healing omfg
Every Valentine's Day vince will mutter under his breath or think "happy birthday rody" and continue on with his day be he's a sad sorry ass He just wanted love man Hm.. How does rody feel that he killed a man over so hard that he needed to get hospitalized and almost died Bookie if anyone foudn that it was you you'd be put behind bars bookie i EVEN IF IT WAS YEARS AGO
Vince doesn't make an effort to style his hair much,he just doesn't care about his physical appearance anymore He knows he's already physically fucked up so he just, does the bare minimum He also sleeps a lot more,just - trying to stop himself from thinking about rody
-Vince keeps his head low when he's out, he doesn't like to be crowded- somehow- it works. And he's just glad he's short enough to walk without being spotted from a mile away. He still puts up a optimistic, really kind demeanor outside the bistro,but he drops it and just, he's kinder- but just- a little uptight He doesn't like getting into relationships still,he still has his heart for rody but is trying to push it back and away He mutters to himself something of the such when he starts thinking about him "he hurt you for a reason."
Vince has a mini heart attack when he sees male gingers - He wishes he could get another hug like he did once before Sooo He hugs himself to sleep He always has something in the background when he's trying to rest, usually a song
Baby I'd give you a hug
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wolfswitcheryanimations · 1 year ago
I apologize for the fact that I’m probably going to flood your inbox with these questions, but as a fellow autistic obsessed with the Captain Laserhawk show, I am eating this like the sushi on the cow hybrid. (No sexual implications intended. I am aro ace.)
Could you give some dialogue examples for Bullfrog?
Does he pray a lot, due to the cult-raised mindset?
Is the god of the cult Cursa? (From Mario Rabbids Sparks of Hope.)
And what are the other characters like?
Listen pal, don't stop, you're just inspiring me to make more of this au!
As for your questions...
This AU's bullfrog is very stoic, complementing his closed-off nature, and whenever he is in a conversation, he's blunt, straightforward, and even a bit sassy at times. Think the Spy from TF2, but with less 'your mom' jokes.
(And yes, he does pray a lot.)
As for examples:
"Dear Polokus, give me strength" (Polokus used here as a placeholder)
"I do not see why zhis would be necessary for our mission.."
"Please, stay quiet, unless you WANT to get captured."
"...What have I done wrong?"
I... haven't played SoH yet (or the assassin creed games. Or BGAE. im barely getting past rayman 1, so keep that in mind), so IDK what Cursa is like. Will look her up tho!
As for the others, do you mean Dolph and Ramon? Or Sarah, Jade, Pey'r and Sam? I'll put some little descriptions of them down, just in case.
Dolph: Swave and sweet-talking newscaster, ex-soldier, and main face of Eden. Was chosen to be that face after getting his shit wrecked in the Wasteland War. Tries to act more extroverted and welcoming than he actually is. Has PTSD.
Ramon: Friendly albiet Trigger-Happy Vigilante that is well know through the lower castes of Eden as a Hero. Unlike Canon, he realised Eden's lies almost immediately and remembers a lot about Dimension X, and is deeply troubled about not being able to save his home.
Sarah: Former Eden soldier highly praised for her strategies and fighting prowess until she leaked hundreds upon hundreds of documents and pictures of Eden's... less palpatable actions. Still is trying her best to expose Eden for what it is. Quiet and uptight, but loyal to a fault and always willing to save people (unlike canon)
Sam: A former US military soldier and spy, like in canon, but he never got betrayed by Sarah and has worked with the resistance for many many years. Straightforward and militaristic in thinking, he has dedicated his life fighting against Eden, just like when he was working for America. He and Sarah were recently captured after trying to expose a major hybrid trafficking ring managed by Cody Rhodes.
The Monitor (Jade): Previously a Eden News journalist, Sarah has become a large part of Eden's survelliance system, monitoring every nook and cranny for any possible crime against Eden and protect his daughter. Luckily, this has granted her the ability to effectively "hide" people from Eden's panopticon, a power that she uses to set up a certain team..
Pey'r: A fighter for Hybrid Rights, an important soldier in the Wasteland War and a very well trained soldier to boot, Pey'r had adopted Jade when she was extremely young, after seeing her parents, two close friends of his, die in the middle of a crossfire. Even after Jade recorded him hiding outlaws from Eden when she was young, he still partly hoped, that one day, his daughter would help him with his work, even after he died.
(This is all subject to change, yadda yadda, at least Pey'r's not in love with his daughter now)
(Also sorry for the late reply! Had to think a lot about these questions.)
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orpheusilver · 1 year ago
I am asking about your spiderverse dimension 🎤
yippeeeee okay id better explain what exactly im trying to write here lmao so like. this whole au was originally just an experiment in mapping the spider-person story onto a morbius variant as a joke bc i liked the idea of him being like "i was straight up bitten by a radioactive animal and started doing vigilante crime fighting can you please let me into the multiverse" and miguel going "NO youre literally a villain How did you get this number" but then it kinda spiralled and now theres like themes n shit
so long story short morgan michaels gets bitten by a radioactive vampire bat on a uni trip and wakes up with some weird mutations but doesnt really take much notice, he just goes about his day as normally as he can until he Fucking exsanguinates someone to Death. and takes it Badly. so then while hes trying to cope with that and adjust to the whole "vampire(?) thing" like. finding a non-homicidal way to get blood. he encounters spider-man and goes Hey! You know what would make me feel less shit about that whole murder thing? Doing that!
so he pisses off to try become a superhero and accidentally gets stuck with the name morbius, fucks around w/ doc ock and almost finds out until spidey saves his ass and morbius goes Hey. Im bad at this. Youre good at this. Can i be your sidekick until i figure out what the fuck im doing? and peter goes Hhhhhmmmmm bc He knows morbius is a villain. hes wearing one of them watches hes all caught up on how his canon works. but maybe this one is different..maybe he can fix him.....as in hes literally floating there in front of him asking to be fixed. so he says Yeah okay ill make sure you dont get yourself killed probably
so theyre doing the whole superhero mentor thing for a while, morgan learns and grows amd theres some cool contrasting moments where he handles shit completely differently than spider-man would and changes the trajectory of some established arcs, until eventually hes off doing basic superhero stuff all on his own and goes Hey that guy doesnt have a pulse. Thats kinda weird. so he tracks the guy to this weird secret rave in a factory basement with all these other dead people and at one point they turn on the sprinkler and its full of human blood? which hes so normal about ofc (<- the lying liar) and then this COOL GUY with a COOL JACKET and a COOL SWORD shows up and starts annihilating everyone and morbius goes Whoa cool! and then this guy tries to kill Him and he goes HEY WAIT IM LITERALLY ALIVE and blade goes Thats fucking weird cause youre definitely a vampire so whats your deal. Come with me so i can figure out what your deal is. so then morbius meets blades cool hematologist friend and cool butch biker mom and finds out abt Actual vampires which, it turns out, he definitely isnt hes something else which just seems similar bc [INSERT COMIC-TYPICAL MUTATION BULLSHIT]
they both get tied up in plot stuff and even though it takes a loooong moment for blade to trust him theyre actually a pretty good team, morbius is used to spider-man treating him like a student and, implicitly, a child so its neat that blade treats him like an Equal (albeit an annoying inexperienced equal w/ bad jokes and a worse costume but still) and turns out they actually have a lot in common? and kinda bond really easily? and maybe this whole "edgy-hero-who-kills-things" deal is working wayyyy better for him than the spandexed paragon thing spider-man has going on and that guy is super out of his depth in these circumstances and needs to stop pushing in assuming he knows best just bc hes a """hero""" and actually hes maybe being a total uptight prick about the no murder thing and who died and made him king of new york anyway?? fuck off spider-man i have a cool new friend who Gets Me and will absolutely definitely never judge me for killing someone or succumbing to bloodlust which is definitely totally 100% true and Not a fundamental misinterpretation that will come back to bite me in the ass.
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trolagygirl2022 · 8 months ago
and sometimes I like when song is actually different where it doesnt always need a choreo or it doesnt need to slways be a flashy glam performance where they pretend they can sing live but end up lipsynching. idk i want to like kpop wholey but im not full on delulu about every bit these groups do and i defo think they should have better success if they debut adults too? like come on bruh im no abojt to stan a 16 -18 year old idol...
even if they are decent looking. jyp the only one brave enough to try different theme or sounds imho out of all the big3 hes most experimental even with his own songs. i just think kpop lacks imagination when it comes to doing less than out the box type performances. then we cant whine or cry when idols wind up injured or half dead inside bc they doing so much all the time like would it really really kill kpop to just live a little? let idols do as much as they can themselves not be so uptight and old fashioned. it remind me of how they try to change elvis once and it nearly got him arrested so imho kpop is not becoming westernised it just trying too hard to be western in recent times bc it sees what is already popular to do but idk if it always the best approach to music? not everyone going to liek what is popular yaknow? sometimes less is also more i find.
The truth is, idols can never really be their full selves if the companies aren't ready to let their groups be authentic. Korea is way more conservative compared to countries like the US, Canada, etc. Yeah the west isn't perfect but a lot of artists can freely date, vape, smoke, swear. Kpop companies want to eat their cake and have it back which isn't possible.
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nebulaleaf · 1 year ago
hmmm. K, N & U :3 Oh this sounds like im gearing up to say knuckles. Punches you
I was like "omg you're kung pow penising me???" i cant, spel .l anyuway K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc? Uhhh fuck. shit. suddenly ive forgotten everything. uhh umm. you didnt pick a fandom so I can do whatever I want rapid fire: Sojiro Sakura p5. his arc regarding the protag and being a guardian is very good. Makoto Niijima and Sophia p5 are also great arcs in the main story. im not looking at makoto's confidant. nope. no. Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu from SDR2 also has one of the best arcs in the entire series i think? very good. OH FUCK. AND WOLFWOOD D. NICHOLAS FROM TRIGUN. Honourable mentions goes to: edgeworth. N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom. respect to women. less shippy content. more horror/gore content hee hee hee. uhh not really sure what else to add U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites not answering from p5 its CHEATING. Claude Von Riegan (Fire Emblem Three Houses) - oh you KNOW i love the mischief makers. on my first go of fe3h i was so sure i'd pick dimitri and fall in love with him, but all it took claude was a single piece of dialogue from byleth ("He's smiling, but it doesn't reach his eyes.") and i swapped sides and im SO glad for it. he's a funny character. he's a serious character. he's a schemer and actually really fucking intelligent and just. so so so cool. I love archers. i love guys obsessed with sniffing out secrets. i love guys who know they can't save everyone, but know they have to try. (at least for his own men) the worst part about him is his fire emblem warriors version. jesus fuck thats a mimic who stole his skin and is walking upright. Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) - pretentious fucker. he's so uptight in a comical way that you can't help but find him amusing, even when he's being REALLY REALLY ANNOYING as a game antagonist. he's funny... he's charming.... AND HE HAS A TRAGIC BACKSTORY ?! its a W for me. Vash the Stampede (Trigun, but not Trigun Stampede fuck that vash.) - ogh. where do i begin. literally the worlds soggiest meow meow but such a good sport about it. he loves humanity. hes the sharpest shooter this side of the south. he just wants a pizza. he refuses to kill any humans. he misses his mom. he's funny. he has like. fucked up clothing that goes hard. he could be your devil or yuor angle but leaning hard into one of those (not saying which). i love him and i really cant express why without saying GO READ THE TRIGUN MANGA OR WATCH THE 1998 ANIME. you could. also watch the newer one ig but ughhhhhhhhhhhh. its really not the same. Stampede (the anime) capitalizes on his Muh Sadboy Anime Twink aspects and like. fuckign nothing else. it just doesnt feel right SORRY ANYWAY. WOLFWOOD IS ALSO A HONOURABLE MENTION HERE BCOS.??? HES SO FUCKING GOOD. AND ALSO SAD. AND FUNNY. AND-
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blackstarchanx3new · 2 years ago
Sorry for spamming your notifs I was just wondering if you have any lineart/ coloring tips!
Im trying to improve my art and your style is perfect!!!
A joy you'd ask such an extensive question: I recorded a quick timelapse (Sorry I don't control the speed on Clip Studio)
I draw with vector layers for line art, meaning I can erase overlapping lines SUPER easy with a Vector eraser:
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To make them not highlighted in orange btw (For CSP specifically) I believe you gotta go into "View" and "turn off vector paths".
I usually have a layer behind the characters that is "Grey" so I know where I've colored until I change it to black with protect Alpha.
In GENREAL advice I'd give: Do "Figure drawings" I think they're called. VERY QUICK rough sketches to get a figure/pose down. I draw like a speed demon because I don't focus on "Getting lines perfect" either. Paper is a less forgiving medium, when I was a kid (And even now) i sketch on paper with Pen. NO MISTAKES. WE DIE LIKE MEN. It makes you think a lot more about "How am I gonna do this right the first time" Basically: Your boy is quick, he likes to do it in 1 go and art style is pretty simple. Affective for making comics FAST. Which is what I care about since my stories/dialogue are kinda the highlight not the pictures, they just take my stuff to THE NEXT LEVEL. :)
Lately I've been trying to "Care less" about getting perfect clean line art (Tbh I think I've always cared a little less because SOME PEOPLE SPEND 8 HOURS ON A DRAWING AND HALF THE TIME THEY SPENT WAS ERASING SHIT. I COULD NOT. O.O)
The need for speed is because I need to make so many pages for all my comics in a timely manor.
Looking at AOT's butt ugly art and Chainsaw man's beautiful scratchy lines made me realize I was being way to uptight about my own shit looking "Perfect". So I've tried to be more fluid with it.
Speaking of: I recommend anyone who likes manga to try to mimic some art styles to learn stuff. "Why'd they do xy or z" "How'd they achieve x" ya know? Here's two of my avatars from my zelda videos (OOT is still in progress)
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But it also depends on what you're TRYING to go for:
I don't WANT/NEED a consistent art style. I mostly just do whatever I feel fits whatever I'm working on. "On model" isn't in my vocabulary. X'D
I recommend studying anatomy because it REALLY amped up my abilities to draw the human body better. Full figure drawings, don't run away from things you might be bad at. X'D (Or work with what you do, I am shit at drawing hands, so they'll turn into weird monstrosities but nobody's said anything yet! XD)
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People are seemingly willing to forgive a lot of mistakes: If it's funny. X'D I gotta try harder in serious scenes hahaha. Also having weird as fuck/abstract character design like my boys Ball and Bat
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You're not gonna question anatomy choices for a thing that looks like THAT.
Simple character design is my passion~
For coloring: Outside of me understanding basic color theory I just do what makes my brain go BRRR so I can't really DESCRIBE why I like what I like? X'D
But here's some of my color palettes! I implore anyone to use them if they like them. They're not some trade secret, they're just colors.
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Anyways that's all I got hope it helps. XD
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jils-things · 11 months ago
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
i dont think many would actually know aine's... present because she's holed up in her house for so long... probably her relatives only know about her existence wiwiwi but! she's generally very shy and quiet, not very used to talking to others! but she tries her best to be sweet :3
irene is ... probably envied by many people! i mean she's part of a prestigious family and she's very pretty! she's not like most women of her age who can be pretty uptight (at least i think so...) - she's very humble about her wealth and doesnt go out of her way to shove how fortunate she is... its all because of her old past that she's very gentle and considerate :3
9. who are your self insert’s closest friends?
unfortunately as i've said earlier, poor baby aine doesnt have much friends, but she's very, very close and trusting of her gallade who acts as her best friend and guardian no matter where she is. she always finds comfort in gallade. but if i had to pick one person who would be her close friend, it would be erika - i think she'd help aine be more relaxed and less nervous about herself and sleepy times together LAFDKSLKFSKA. i wanna plug blake into the story as well, i can totally see him to be a big brother to aine and i picture blake to be more friendly! aine needs nice company, she needs it for sure ;; softcore version of color pallet trio . cold pallet trio if you will. bye
right off the bat, i just told myself "yes irene and emma are best friends" emma probably provides the best chamomile and irene looooves tea. they bond over that heheheh. maybe helena and tracy too! i have such soft spots for them and i really like them! irene definitely doesnt like nobles that much (i excuse reynold however. eheh). i would include naib, but i dont think it would work out? im just biased wiwiwi
15. how does your self insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
AINE STOPS THE ACTUAL FROSTBITE. THAT IS ALL. IM TOO SHY TO TALK ABT ***VELVETSHIPPING HERE IM SORRY WHDASDSAHJFHJFSASF </3333 he stops caring about trying hard for himself to be stronger and helps aine out instead and feels that she deserves better and focuses on that <3
irene umm,, gives him,,, the love and care he lacked as a kid,, wiwiiw,,, she takes him in after the explosion and nurses him to health and they confess they like each other and they promise to figure things out from there and shes dead serious about taking him into a better place because he's gone too far to make ends meet WEEWEFGGFGF MY BRAIN IM (BLEATS PATHERTICALLY)
16. freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know.
aine has two "endings" on what happens when she sees him. one is the happy route where, yk, they get along, yadda yadda, romance, bonding, all that jazz. the second ending is... a little more unfortunate. basically she was a bit too late, because he's frostbitten now, and she regrets leaving her home and will probably stay at home more often now because the world is much more terrifying than she suspected. poor girl
irene is made with the purpose of wanting to ship with someone in the game yes - but the plot twist was that i was not actually crushing on no.rton at the time (he was just a fav) but found him to be a cute match with irene and i did just that. and then my dumbass fell for him shortly after HSAJKFHJAFHSFJSA im so doopid woawwww....
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4everonmym1nd · 2 years ago
as a child, you were always deprived of what you wanted, and being the eldest child of 2 children, naturally the youngest was favored over you, so you learnt to hide and conceal yourself, and put others over you. now that you've met heeseung and have been dating for a little over a year, you've decided its finally time to open up.
warnings: maybe some cursing, purpose intention of lowercase use, some ptsd, and some uses of suicidal themes here and there.
tick, tock. tick, tock. tick, tock.
the sound of the non existent clock keeps you up as you are not able to sleep. normally, you'd be asleep by this time as its currently 1:04 in the morning, but no. for the past week and a half, you have been debating whether you should let heeseung know about your life as a child, and all the things you had been through.
when you were around 4 or so, your parents came up to you with the blessing of getting a younger sibling, as this had always been your wish. you knew responsibilities would come with it, but your whole world was crushed as soon as your younger brother entered the world. at first, he got a lot more attention, which you understood, despite your young age, but as life progressed, you realized that your parents were extremely biased. literally, anybody who came over to your house or just knew your parents, in general, knew that.
they saw how you were treated. they saw how your brother was being spoilt with filthy toys and clothes. heck, your parents couldnt care less that you were there anymore. whenever you asked for things, you were shooed off, and whenever you tried getting things yourself, it would either end up with you getting into trouble with your parents- or with what you were trying to do ending up in a bad situation.
finally, you came back to your senses as you felt heeseung sit up from his once sleeping position.
"whats wrong? why are you up?" he had asked you.
you had nothing to say. you thought that what you were thinking about was a stupid reason to affect your life, for it had all happened in the past. you dont even keep in touch with your parents anymore for all that you know, so why does it always come back running to you? all the memories of the past, being mistreated, hated, abused, and by the end of your flashbacks, you would always be left with sweat trickling down your forhead.
heeseung gave you a firm pull on your arms, in order to turn your body round to him, so you guys could make eye contact, even if it was dark in the room. as soon as he did that, you burst into tears. heeseung didnt speak a word as he wrapped you tightly in his arms and quietly shushed you. you both stayed like that for about 5 minutes until you finally pulled out.
"i just have a lot going around in my mind as of right now, and im being reminded of my problems that i had as a child and i thought i could just run away from them but i guess it doesnt work like that and-"
before you could finish, heeseung pulled you in an uptight kiss.
"you're okay y/n. that was in the past, things like that wont happen anymore. you already cut things off with your parents didnt you? and my family accepts you just how you are. so please, please dont bother yourself with these kinds of things. life can get hard but you have people to talk to, including me. your stronger than this."
that silenced you. it didnt exactly help you forget about the past, but it helped relieve the tight feeling in your chest, before venting out to heeseung.
you lay back in your bed, pulling heeseung down with you, as you lulled yourselves to sleep.
"goodnight heeseung." you said quietly.
when you didnt hear it back, you looked down at the snoring boy resting his head on your chest.
"i love you."
was the last thing you said before you fell asleep yourself.
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